Can't believe what just happened that night, i mean... i had no idea it will be so painful, we had those little conversation talked about us. No...! exactly we were talking about you.... and your whole drama,
but i'm so glad had those "horror" conversation help me, because maybe that was my last time to see your smile and hear your voice..
So, your reason did this to me... i know now... and that's because of, you're boring with me and thinking about someone, and that's funny because with all my pieces i still love you... but its useless for me... i guess
Lord, i just can't believe its happening to me, i've been cheated for hundred times, all those guy breaking up with me with the same reason and the same answer :
"The other person"
Even, the last boy that i thought he's different, special and... i don't know it is hurt, i can't even thinking why am i doing here? i mean thousand miles away, supposed to i'm enjoying the city, the situation but my thoughts keep spinning and yelling his name,
That boy gave me everything, the smile behind my pain, the sun behind my cold, and even the tears behind my pain.. and he said..... i can't even write it..
So, here it is
I miss you, you miss.... we're thousand miles apart, you hurt me, but its funny because with all that pieces i still love you and want you so bad, my heart been cheated, but i still can hear your voice and laugh... but i see it all gonna means nothing for you, it is useless for me, so baby in here, i watch it fade away.. i watch it fade away...
Love - Me