July 28, 2013

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
― Dr. Seuss

Summer is coming, should i say new day has come? its a song :p 
Been busy for a while, i took a short semester, got crazy with college life, while my friends took their internship journey, i'm here fighting with my incoming final exam in my short semester period, such a long journey isn't it?

And plus more, i haven't finish with my own problem, yeah yeah yeah. People told me to do a lot of things, should i hear them? or should i follow my own thoughts? whatever. 
Ok, just skip it. So i want to show you my new high waist bikini, and its PINK!! As you know actually i hate pink, but its not literally pink, its like shocking orange, but i guess the gradation make it look like pink, eww.. 

Here it is my High Waist Bikini, Trust me actually Its shocking orange, its just the ombre effect, and there's my Rayban  Sunglasses, My blackberry and my Swag New York Hat (Actually it is belong to Morits) 

And this is my Friends, Proudly present MANADONESE :D

This one above edited by me, using ipad app and just a little black and white effect plus the blur

The last one, its me in my sister ex apartment, we took some crazy photos and pretending as a BEAUTY MODEL!! and yes WE ARE :)

So, see you in another story? stay tune in my website and promise i'll put a lot of good picture 

Love - Zara