Rain.. I really love rain, kenapa? karena pas hujan nyium bau tanah atau pasir itu baunya enak banget, trus cuacanya juga mendung2 gimana gitu, *modus* hahaa... well actually the reason why i really love rain is i can crying out loud without people know about it, paling yg mereka denger cuma suara air, guntur kilat, cetar membahana badai, alasan td juga bener kok, cuma kalo gue pas hujan feelingnya berubah, suddenly everything's change, the memories start to pop up into your mind, just like a movie, *situasi nya kalo hujan badai ya* and here you are remebering about the good...
gue sih biasanya, cuma diem + dengerin lagu, and then remember about everything, especially my condition, suddenly my tears coming out and then i become such a melancholic person, sebenarnya sih gada yg special dari hujan yah, its just the weather, the sound, the smell, and the raindrops, you'll become melancholic, -Repeat- "i become" .... Dan disinilah gue berada, dunia melancholic gue, zara's melancholic world.. and i can't even stop crying when i realize it was just exhausting, killing you slowly and then decreasing your energy, but you just can't stop crying, because you know its just really hurt...
Someone just dumped you but he/she still keep in touch with you physicallly, while you're realize you can't have them, and damn man!! sakit banget loh* haha, and i'm trying to live with that, and surviving with this god damn stupid condition, tapi lama kelamaan itu semua "hurting you" really hurting you so bad, gue terlalu hiperbola dengan kalimat so bad, hurting you, and etc..
Poeple always saying this stuff, promise me they're helping you, but the truth is they don't understand how bad it is.. I know yg dari tadi gue masukin, gada yg jelas semuanya, tapi ya that's what i want and that's what i feel guys,
Do you know how long i'm tryin got survive in this condition? its been 8 months this year, almost 1 year, ga tau sih, people said "it takes a long time to move on" i mean gue mau move on. tp move on yg menguntungkan, well here i am still stuck on you, just like your love is my drug.. 😳😥😢💙